• About Department
  • Academic Curriculum
  • Laboratories
  • Faculties
  • Students Achievements
  • News and Events
  • Newsletter
1 About Department

Electrical energy has been the prime necessity since its invention. Electrical engineering department of SAL Institute of Technology and Engineering Research understands the future trend of electrical engineering and hence has been committed to its goals and missions. The Electrical department focuses on overall development of students of Electrical Engineering and incessantly puts them through various shop floor trainings and industrial exposure. The department believes in practical and applicable knowledge rather than cramming up the engineering principles.

The committed faculty members are constantly encouraged to undergo Faculty Development Programs and Research Activities. The students are also encouraged for innovative research and projects. The department compels students of the Electrical engineering to use maximum laboratory facilities and enhance their knowledge by hard and smart work.

At present the total intake of Electrical department is 60. This department has been commenced since 2013.

2 Academic Curriculum
1. 3110002 - English
2. 3110003 - Programming for Problem Solving
3. 3110005 - Basic Electrical Engineering
4. 3110006 - Basic Mechanical Engineering
5. 3110007 - Environmental Sciences
6. 3110012 - Workshop/ Manufacturing Practices
7. 3110013 - Engineering Graphics & Design
8. 3110014 - Mathematics – I
9. 3110015 - Mathematics –2
10. 3110016 - Basic Electronics
11. 3110017 - Induction Program
12. 3110018 - Physics

See the Syllabus here
1. 2130002 - Advance Engineering Maths
2. 2130004 - Engineering Economics And Management
3. 2130901 - Circuits & Networks
4. 2130902 - Analog Electronics
5. 2130903 - Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instruments
6. 2130904 - DC Machines and Transformer
7. 2130005 - Design Engineering - I A

See the Syllabus here
1. 2141005 - Signals and Systems
2. 2140906 - AC Machines
3. 2140907 - Applied Thermal and Hydraulic Engineering
4. 2140908 - Electrical Power Generation
5. 2140909 - Field Theory
6. 2140910 - Digital Electronics
7. 2140002 - Design Engineering - I B

See the Syllabus here
1. 2150903 - Power Electronics – I
2. 2150904 - Elements of Electrical Design
3. 2150907 - Microprocessor & Micro-controller Interfacing
4. 2150908 - Electrical Power System – I
5. 2150909 - Control System Engineering
6. 2150001 - Design Engineering - II A
7. 2150002 - Cyber Security
8. 2150003 - Disaster Management(Inst.Elec.)

See the Syllabus here
1. 2160904 - High Voltage Engineering
2. 2160907 - Utilization of Electrical Enenrgy and Traction
3. 2160908 - Electrical Power System – II
4. 2160909 - Advance Microcontrollers (Dept Elec-I)
5. 2160910 - Electrical Drives (Dept Elec-I)
6. 2160911 - Computer Aided Analysis and Design for Electrical Engg. (Dept Elec-I)
7. 2160912 - Design of DC Machines and Transformer
8. 2160001 - Design Engineering - II B
9. 2160902 - Power Electronics – II

See the Syllabus here
1. 2170901 - Interconnected Power System
2. 2170906 - Advanced Power Electronics
3. 2170908 - Switch Gear and Protection
4. 2170909 - Design of AC Machines
5. 2170913 - Industrial Instrumentation (Dept Elec-II)
6. 2170914 - Digital Signal Processing (Dept Elec-II)
7. 2170001 - Project

See the Syllabus here
1. 2180901 - Testing and Commissioning of Electrical Equipments
2. 2180903 - Power System Planning and Design
3. 2180905 - Project
4. 2180909 - Power System Operation and Control
5. 2180910 - Energy Conservation, and Audit (Dept Elec - III)
6. 2180911 - Power Quality and Management (Dept Elec - III)
7. 2180912 - Condition Monitoring (Dept Elec - III)
8. 2180913 - Advanced Control Systems (Dept Elec - III)

See the Syllabus here
3 Laboratories
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Department of Electrical Engineering has developed various laboratories with variety of standard equipments and software tools which are necessity of today’s industries. Following is a close glimpse at various existing laboratories:

Electrical Engineering Laboratories

  • Electrical Machines Lab

  • High Voltage Lab

  • Electrical Measurement Lab

  • Network & Control System Lab

  • Power Electronics & Drive Lab

  • Power System Protection Lab

  • Renewable Energy Lab

4 Faculties
5 Students Achievements
Students Achievements
6 News and Events

Our Newsletters

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