- About Department
- Vision and Mission
- Academic Curriculum
- Laboratories
- Faculties
- Student Achievements
- News and Events
This has been at present, one of the most demanding, popular, lucrative and competitive course to study since its inception in Indian engineering schools, colleges and universities, since now man has developed such a dependency on machines that precise monitoring, control is possible through computer aided programs only.
Computer engineering students will learn about basic engineering techniques, as other engineering students, during first year course. These techniques include Engineering Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry and Engineering drawing. From second year they are exposed to core computer science subjects like programming, data structures, Digital logic, Theoretical computer science, Algorithms, Computer networks, Operating systems, Web technologies, Databases and Computer Architecture are few to mention. higher studies. As computing is extensively applied to almost every walk of life it creates massive jobs for Computer Engineering students.
Induction of new technical courses from time to time enables the students to keep abreast of recent technological development. The Department has always strived for excellence and promoting live IDP (Industry Define Projects) for students of 7th and 8th semester of UG and 3rd and 4th semester students for their PG courses.
"We are happy to share our Departmental Newsletter " "Fuzzy to Crisp (FTC)". The newsletter mainly covers the tech articles, literary work and the activities in and around the campus. The aim is to imbibe a spirit of professionalism and inculcate the culture of sharing knowledge within the campus."
Fuzzy To CrispVision
"To produce skilled, innovative young computer engineers, entrepreneurs and leaders with strong ethical principles contributing to the advancement of global society."
To impart quality and skilled technical education with effective teaching learning process.
To offer well-equipped facilities for fostering creativity, research, and lifelong learning in young people.
To encourage industrial partnerships and cultivate the fundamentals of leadership, teamwork, ethics, and entrepreneurship.
To develop professionally and ethically responsible citizens working for the betterment of society worldwide.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOS)
PEO-I Graduates will possess the technical skills and creativity to solve complex engineering problems, utilizing state-of-the-art tools and methodologies for advancements in technology and engineering.
PEO-II Graduates will develop the capability to lead multidisciplinary teams, foster innovation through entrepreneurial thinking, and demonstrate the importance of collaboration and leadership in achieving professional success.
PEO-III Graduates will embrace continuous learning, staying abreast of technological advancements and evolving industry practices, while adhering to high ethical standards in their professional and personal conduct.
PEO-IV Graduates will apply their knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems, working with integrity to improve the welfare of global communities through technology, innovation, and responsible citizenship./p>
2. 3110002 English
3. 3110003 Programming for Problem Solving
5. 3110005 Basic Electrical Engineering
6. 3110006 Basic Mechanical Engineering
7. 3110007 Environmental Sciences
8. 3110012 Workshop/ Manufacturing Practices
9. 3110013 Engineering Graphics & Design
10. 3110014 Mathematics - 1
11. 3110015 Mathematics - 2
12. 3110016 Basic Electronics
13. 3110017 Induction Program
14. 3110018 Physics
See the Syllabus here
2. 3110002 English
3. 3110003 Programming for Problem Solving
5. 3110005 Basic Electrical Engineering
6. 3110006 Basic Mechanical Engineering
7. 3110007 Environmental Sciences
8. 3110012 Workshop/ Manufacturing Practices
9. 3110013 Engineering Graphics & Design
10. 3110014 Mathematics - 1
11. 3110015 Mathematics - 2
12. 3110016 Basic Electronics
13. 3110017 Induction Program
14. 3110018 Physics
See the Syllabus here
2. 3130006 Probability and Statistics
3. 3130007 Indian Constitution
4. 3130008 Design Engineering - I A
5. 3130702 Data Structures
6. 3130703 Database Management Systems
7. 3130704 Digital Fundamentals
See the Syllabus here
2. 3140702 Operating System
3. 3140705 Object Oriented Programming -I
4. 3140707 Computer Organization & Architecture
5. 3140708 Discrete Mathematics
6. 3140709 Principles of Economics and Management
See the Syllabus here
2. 3150004 Contributor Personality Development Program
3. 3150005 Integrated Personality Development Course
4. 3150703 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
5. 3150709 Professional ethics
6. 3150710 Computer Networks
7. 3150711 Software Engineering
8. 3150712 Computer Graphics
9. 3150713 Python for Data Science
10. 3150714 Cyber Security
See the Syllabus here
2. 3160002 Contributor Personality Development Program
3. 3160003 Integrated Personality Development Course
4. 3160704 Theory of Computation
5. 3160707 Advanced Java Programming
6. 3160712 Microprocessor and Interfacing
7. 3160713 Web Programming
8. 3160714 Data Mining
9. 3160715 System Software
10. 3160716 IOT and applications
11. 3160717 Data Visualization
See the Syllabus here
2. 3170701 Complier Design
3. 3170710 Mobile Computing and Wireless communication
4. 3170716 Artificial Intelligence
5. 3170717 Cloud Computing
6. 3170718 Information Retrieval
7. 3170719 Distributed System
8. 3170720 Information security
9. 3170721 Parallel and Distributed Computing
10. 3170722 Big Data Analytics
11.3170723 Natural Language Processing
12. 3170724 Machine Learning
13. 3170725 Digital forensics
14. 3170726 Mobile Application Development
See the Syllabus here
See the Syllabus here
Computer Engineering is one of the key programs that serve nearly every domain of our society.Due to the increasing demand of digitization in recent years, many research and development have taken place that has lead to growing demand of skilled computer engineers.
The college provides free access to Internet to its students through 16 MBPS connectivity, the local Intranet; a 100 MBPS switched network provides an interactive platform for sharing resources and building communities.
Computer peripherals, Multimedia projectors, scanners, laser printers, web cameras form the part of the facilities.
Computer Engineering Laboratories
Oracle Lab
Research & Development Lab
Basic Computing Lab
Advance Computing Lab
Networking Lab
Data Processing Lab
Object Oriented Programming Lab
High Performance Computing Lab
Software Engineering Lab
Machine Learning Lab
Artificial Intelligence Lab

Mittal Desai has occupied 1st Rank in best performance and won the kabaddi match organised by GTU.

Preeti Yadav got 2nd prize in Folk Dance Competition in Youth Festival at Zonal & Inter zonal level.

Harshil Purvish Shah got 2nd Rank in State & 5th Rank in National Level in Techvriddhi Android Championship at IIT Kharagpur.

Patel Priya got 2nd Rank in Techfest 2018 Talaash organised by silver Oak college.